
Kohnke’s Own Cell-Perform

Kohnke’s Own

Concentrated Bone Mineral, Trace-Mineral and Vitamin Supplement with extra Muscle Antioxidants for Performance Horses

Kohnke’s Own Cell-Perform is a premium supplement containing a complete range of vitamins and minerals which are often low or inadequate in the diets of horses in training and competition.

The comprehensive 5 pellet blend also contains a higher concentration of muscle specific nutrients such as premium organic chelated selenium, magnesium and vitamin E for robust muscle strength, and stamina in horses that regularly work at moderate to intense levels.

Kohnke’s Own Cell-Perform is particularly designed for Dressage, Show-Jumping, Eventing and Show horses and ponies to meet their elevated nutrient needs for health, vitality and performance.

Product Information
Kohnke’s Own Cell-Perform is a premium supplement containing a complete range of vitamins and minerals which are often low or inadequate in the diets of horses in training and competition.

The comprehensive 5 pellet blend also contains a higher concentration of muscle specific nutrients such as premium organic chelated selenium, magnesium and vitamin E for robust muscle strength, and stamina in horses that regularly work at moderate to intense levels.

Kohnke’s Own Cell-Perform is particularly designed for Dressage, Show-Jumping, Eventing and Show horses and ponies to meet their elevated nutrient needs for health, vitality and performance.

Our Concept for Kohnke’s Own Cell-Perform.

Kohnke’s Own Cell-Perform is formulated as a comprehensive, high quality ‘ration balancer’ to ensure horses and ponies in regular training and competition are receiving the optimum intake of vitamins and minerals they require on a daily basis for the best health, stamina and performance.

In particular, horses working with impulsion and collection will benefit from the higher concentration of antioxidants in our unique formula to help establish strong, supple and well-conditioned muscles.

The specific ratio of muscle antioxidants in Cell-Perform, compared to other ration balancers, may help sustain muscle function and ensure controlled muscle energy to power performance during equestrian sports.

Our Concept for Kohnke's Own Cell-Perform
Kohnke’s Own Cell-Perform is formulated as a comprehensive, high quality ‘ration balancer’ to ensure horses and ponies in regular training and competition are receiving the optimum intake of vitamins and minerals they require on a daily basis for the best health, stamina and performance.

In particular, horses working with impulsion and collection will benefit from the higher concentration of antioxidants in our unique formula to help establish strong, supple and well-conditioned muscles.

The specific ratio of muscle antioxidants in Cell-Perform, compared to other ration balancers, may help sustain muscle function and ensure controlled muscle energy to power performance during equestrian sports.

Step up to the next level in training and competition with Kohnke’s Own Cell-Perform!

Which Horses Benefit?
  • For performance horses and ponies in regular training and competition
  • All horses and ponies worked at moderate to intense exercise levels
  • All horses that require extra antioxidants and selenium to support optimal muscle function, for example, mild cases of tying up, poor muscle health or limited strength and endurance.
  • Horses limited to a grazing diet or provided hay grown in selenium-deficient areas
  • Horses provided a commercial prepared feed where the full recommended amount is not fed each day
  • Guidelines for top-up of premix feeds are supplied on the label
Major Ingredients
Kohnke’s Own Cell-Perform is scientifically formulated to contain a comprehensive blend of vitamins and minerals essential for horse health, vitality and performance.  The formulation is regularly updated to the latest guidelines for optimum nutrition in all equestrian horses. 

  • Blend of cold-pressed, colour coded Supplet pellets separated into 5 compatible nutrient groups which ensures the potency and stability of the vitamins and trace-minerals in the supplement and in the feed.
  • Bone minerals including extra magnesium
  • All essential trace-minerals in chelated and inorganic forms for optimum digestive absorption.
  • Full range of vitamins and vitamin co-factors including extra vitamin E, C and B1
  • Higher level of biotin, choline and iodine for hoof health and strength
  • Fully organic chelated selenium (as selenomethionine) and chromium, especially helpful for Australia’s selenium-deficient soils
  • Does not swab, legal for all competitions.
  • Does not provide extra energy, sugar or cause ‘fizz’, even in sensitive horses.
  • Pelleted and palatable supplement which mixes easily into all types of feeds (wet or dry). Reduces wastage from dust, sift-out, sludging and blow away from feeders.
Supplementation Guidelines

Each level scoopful of Kohnke’s Own Cell-Provide provides 40 grams (LARGE END) and 15 grams (SMALL END) of the double ended scoop.

Flexible supplementation rates with 40 grams needed for early training and moderate exercise levels.  Horses (500 kg body weight) at more advanced training or moderately intense exercise and regular competition can be fed up to 60 grams per day in one feed or split between morning and night meals.

When reducing the full recommended amount of a chosen muesli or commercial feed, it is advisable to add a top-up of Kohnke’s Own Cell-Perform as extra micronutrients for optimum ration balance.

A half dose of Kohnke’s Own Cell-Perform included in a base feed of a cooked, extruded or pelleted hard feed helps to boost nutrient levels with extra high potency, cold-pressed trace-mineral and vitamins.

Supplementation can be scaled when feeding less than the recommended level of commercial, complete feeds.   For example, if you are feeding a moderately worked horse 2 kg of a common commercial feed but the directions from the manufacturer recommend feeding 4 kg per horse per day, add 20 grams of Kohnke’s Own Cell-Perform to make up possible nutrient shortfalls without adding extra energy or fizziness to the ration.

Pack Sizes and Days Supply

1.4 kg jar (35 days supply)

4 kg bucket (100 days supply)

10 kg bucket (250 days supply)

** Days supply is calculated from the 40 gram dose which is suitable for horses (500 kg body weight) in early training.

Frequently Asked Questions
How do I know if my horse needs Kohnke’s Own Cell-Perform?
This premium ration balancer is formulated to help Dressage, Show-Jumping and Eventing horses reach their full potential.   Kohnke’s Own Cell-Perform has range of top quality nutrients that are commonly lacking in diets fed to equestrian horses in regular work.  It features extra muscle antioxidants and other nutrients which are especially important for horses training and competing in equestrian sports based on impulsion, collection, strength and agility.

Designed by Dr. John Kohnke from the latest scientific knowledge and published research, Kohnke’s Own Cell-Perform provides a balanced nutrient profile that can supplement a home-mixed ration, correct a prepared base feed or top-up a commercial complete feed.

Is Kohnke’s Own Cell-Perform compatible with other supplements?
Kohnke’s Own Cell-Perform is formulated to meet the daily nutrient needs of horses in training and competition, with a comprehensive range of minerals, trace-minerals and vitamins scientifically proven to be required when horses are regularly ridden or worked.  All that is otherwise required for most horses is the addition of a salt/electrolyte mix, added relative to sweat loss and seasonal temperature or humidity, for example Kohnke’s Own Cell-Salts or Troppo-Salts.

However, some performance horses need extra help for calm behaviour, joint health, muscle building or digestive function.  For these horses, Kohnke’s Own Cell-Perform is completely compatible with common additional supplements, especially from the Kohnke’s Own range, as Dr. John Kohnke has designed our entire range of specialist products to be able to be fed with our ration balancers, without excess or overload.

For example, Kohnke’s Own Cell-Perform is completely compatible with common calming supplements, including our popular Kohnke’s Own Mag-E.  Kohnke’s Own Cell-Perform doesn’t contain unnecessary fillers, energy, excess protein or sugar, so it won’t cause ‘fizzy’ problems in sensitive horses.

Kohnke’s Own Cell-Perform is also highly recommended as a base nutritional supplement to complement use of specialist targeted supplements for digestive health, such as Kohnke’s Own FABBY, muscle and top-line building, for example, Kohnke’s Own Muscle XL or for joint health and flexibility, such as Kohnke’s Own Redi-Flex.

For advice whether Kohnke’s Own Cell-Perform is compatible with competitor products, including hoof products or other supplements, contact Kohnke’s Own Nutritional Advisors.  We offer a FREE full ration analysis service to ensure your horse receive optimal nutrition, even when mixing multiple brands of supplements.

How does Kohnke’s Own Cell-Perform compare to Cell-Vital or Cell-Provide?
Kohnke’s Own Cell-Perform features a different ratio of nutrients compared to our basic ration balancer, Cell-Vital.  Cell-Vital is more suitable to feed ‘lower level’ working horses, as a general nutritional supplement for all different types of horses in training.

The nutrient balance achieved by Kohnke’s Own Cell-Perform is focussed on providing extra antioxidants and other nutrients for robust muscle function.  Kohnke’s Own Cell-Perform features a higher ratio of selenium, vitamin E, magnesium and vitamin C, relative to the standard blend of trace-minerals and vitamins in most common ration balancing supplements.  These nutrients are particularly important for equestrian sports based on impulsion, collection, strength and agility.

In comparison to Cell-Provide, Cell-Perform is ‘stronger’ and has elevated levels of nutrients designed for working horses, whereas Cell-Provide is a ‘lighter’ style balancer for resting or lightly worked horses.  However, for owners looking for a ‘premium blend’ of nutrients, a half-dose of Cell-Perform is suitable for all resting or lightly worked horses and ponies too!

Although Cell-Perform has a higher supplementation rate than Cell-Vital or Cell-Provide, it is still very cost effective, especially for horses which are working harder and longer in training and when out competing.

How is Kohnke’s Own Cell-Perform different to other ration balancing supplements?
Kohnke’s Own Cell-Perform features our exclusive, patented Supplet® technology of cold-pressed pellets separated into 5 compatible groups to ensure trace-minerals do not interact with fragile vitamins, avoiding vitamin potency loss that is inherently problematic in powdered, liquid or single pellet supplements.  Supplet® technology is unique to Kohnke’s Own and is designed to maximise potency and stability of the supplement during storage and in the feed.

Kohnke’s Own Cell-Perform uses premium forms of chelated trace-minerals and stability protected vitamins for optimum bioavailability (meaning the degree and rate of digestive absorption) as well as utilisation of these important nutrients in performance horses.

Kohnke’s Own Cell-Perform is also highly concentrated with an excellent cost per dose that is very competitive in comparison to other ‘premium’ balancing supplements.

Will Kohnke’s Own Cell-Perform help the look as well as the health of my horse?
Kohnke’s Own Cell-Perform benefits coat condition as well as depth and intensity of coat colour in all working horses.  This is due to the use of premium, chelated forms of trace-minerals and high quality, potent and stability-protected vitamins.

Performance horses often lighten in coat colour or look ‘faded’ due to the extra nutrients lost when sweating regularly during training and competition.  Cell-Perform features higher levels of nutrients that are commonly lost though sweat in moderate to hard working horses which train for long periods, for example, calcium, magnesium and iron (3 forms of iron for safety and best utilisation in horses).

Does Kohnke’s Own Cell-Perform contain any banned substances?
Kohnke’s Own Cell-Perform does not swab and is completely legal to be fed to all performance horses in FEI competitions.

For use in racehorses, we recommend that you follow local guidelines on use of any supplements prior to race day.  Kohnke’s Own Cell-Perform contains some added cobalt for horse health, which may not be suitable for racing horses.  Kohnke’s Own Cell-Vital Premium has no added cobalt and is recommended for racehorses on high cobalt feeds.

Can Kohnke’s Own Cell-Perform be used to top-up ‘Performance’ feeds?
Kohnke’s Own Cell-Perform is an excellent choice to make up trace-mineral and vitamin shortfalls with premium, highly bioavailable and potent forms of all necessary micronutrients.  Some of the nutrients, including certain trace-mineral and particularly vitamins, may not be fully supplied when feeding commercial feeds, even those marketed for performance horses.  The label directions feature an easily calculated top-up supplementation rate for horses on commercial prepared feeds where the full recommended amount is not fed each day.
Is Kohnke’s Own Cell-Perform easy to feed?
Like all Kohnke’s Own ration balancing supplements, Kohnke’s Own Cell-Perform is pelleted in a blend of colourful mini pellets which easily mix through feeds (wet or dry).  It is easy to feed and eliminates wastage through dust, sift-out, sludging or blow away from feeders.  It is highly palatable and well accepted by even the fussiest of eaters!
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